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2024 End of Year Showcase: Reshaping the Future

This free, two-hour event is open to the public and will feature Berkeley Master of Engineering (MEng) capstone teams and Fung Fellowship undergraduate teams showcasing their end-of-year projects. Connect with Berkeley students, faculty, and alumni in learning more about cutting edge work in engineering and innovation for social impact alongside our community and industry partners and other UC Berkeley innovation communities. Come see how Berkeley students are shaping the future of leadership, technology, and social impact for a better world.

Light refreshments and appetizers will be served.

Event Agenda:

  • 4:00 pm – Event Opens
  • 4:10 pm – Welcome Remarks by Student Emcees, Ginger Lau, MEng ’24 Mechanical Engineering and Sabrina Baur, FF ’24 Health + Innovation Track, Cognitive Science
  • 4:15 pm – Opening Remarks by Fung Institute Faculty Director, Anthony Joseph and Founder of Fung Institute and CEO and Co-Founder of Blue Goji, Coleman Fung
  • 5:45 pm – Awards
  • 5:55 pm – Closing Remarks by Fung Institute Executive Director, John Robichaux
  • 6:00 pm – Event closes


Lower Hearst Structure, 4 levels

Level 2 Hourly Pay Parking on Level 2 at all times only in Gold Zone of east side of lot

Parking permits: C, F, CP, S

Enter: Level 1 Hearst Ave; Level 2- 4 Scenic Ave

Date: Thursday, May 2, 2024
Time: 4-6pm PT
Location: Mudd Hall (1798 Scenic Avenue)

Event Map

2024 Award Winners

Fung Fellowship Future Forward Innovation Award (Conservation)

This Award honors the project who has most effectively demonstrated: (1) the relevance of the problem they are trying to solve; (2) the originality of their proposed solution; (3) and the potential and applicability of their project’s impact.

Tia Faye Pappas, Shannon Ling, Isabella A Anne Otterson, Ryan Miles Beam, Michid Byambajav, Kelly Tsai

Fung Fellowship Mission Award (Health)

This award honors the project team who has exemplified the mission of the fellowship “by advancing impactful solutions to solve real world challenges through innovation, technology, and inclusive collaboration across communities.

Birth by Us (BBU) Doula Integration
Ana Hernandez Vega, Christine Mazzi, Alimat Omolola

Fung Fellowship Future Forward Innovation Award (Health)

This Award honors the project who has most effectively demonstrated: (1) the relevance of the problem they are trying to solve; (2) the originality of their proposed solution; (3) and the potential and applicability of their project’s impact.

UCSF Living Kidney Donor Program: Medical Privacy Tote
Darleene Nguyen, Sophie Young, Akhil Venkatesh, Jasmine Taylor Mah, Rachel Minh Anh Pham

Fung Fellowship Mission Award (Conservation)

This award honors the project team who has exemplified the mission of the fellowship “by advancing impactful solutions to solve real world challenges through innovation, technology, and inclusive collaboration across communities,

Eliza Coleto, Daniella Asturias, Aishi Gulati, Faith Miller, Sophie Simon

Team: Eliza Coleto [Bioengineering], Daniella Asturias [Integrative Biology], Aishi Gulati [Economics and Data Science], Faith Miller [Molecular & Environmental Biology and Data Science], Sophie Simon [Conservation & Resource Studies]
Industry Partner(s): Blue Endeavors – Vince Smith

BlueEndROV seeks to combat a lack of standardization and accessibility in underwater survey protocols for both occupational and community field scientists. BlueEndROV enhances existing hardware technology in ROVs/DPVs, utilizes data analysis and computer vision for underwater object detection and 3D photogrammetry, and develops an open-source ROV/DPV specification and methodology for underwater surveys. As a result, we hope to break down the global barrier to underwater data by effectively collaborating with front line researchers, conservationists, and policy makers to make impactful marine solutions.

Team: Catherine Yeh [Cognitive Science and Conservation & Resource Studies], Michelle Hom [Economics], Raya Salah [Data Science]
Industry Partner(s): The Earth Genome – Glen Low

DroughtGuard endeavors to enhance California’s current drought monitoring system, aiming to provide decision makers with a more comprehensive understanding of drought consequences. Collaborating with Glen Low from the Earth Genome, we conducted interviews with experts and designers in the water management field to pinpoint the challenges associated with conveying drought risks. In our prototype, we carefully curated a selection of key indicators influencing drought consequences, categorizing them into three primary areas: the natural environment, agriculture, and community impact. By visually representing drought consequences across California’s regions, DroughtGuard bridges the gap between perception and reality, empowering decision makers to formulate more informed policies regarding resource allocation and drought prevention.

Team: Tia Pappas [Environmental Economics & Policy and Environmental Science], Shannon Ling [Environmental Economics & Policy], Bella Otterson [Computer Science], Ryan Beam [Conservation & Resource Studies], Michid Byambajav [Environmental Economics & Policy and Conservation & Resource Studies], Kelly Tsai [Industrial Engineering & Operations Research and Business Administration]
Industry Partner(s): Planet – Joe Mascaro

We’ve teamed up with Planet Labs, a leading provider of daily satellite imagery, to monitor and detect algal blooms in the San Francisco Bay. Algal blooms are rapid increases in the population of algae in aquatic systems, often leading to harmful effects on human and environmental health. Despite these dangers, public awareness in California remains low, with inconsistent monitoring and alert procedures that are primarily conducted manually. To bridge this gap, we’ve developed an API using validated Planet data that provides the public convenient access to up-to-date harmful algal bloom (HAB) warnings. We’ve modeled what this tool looks like integrated into various platforms, such as Google Maps and the Weather app, ensuring the public has easy access to crucial information for their safety

Team: Mareesa Islam [Molecular & Environmental Biology], Rokshana Bushra [Cognitive Science], Shreya Chaudhuri [Environmental Science and Geography]
Industry Partner(s): African Bush Camps Foundation – Koinonia Baloyi

We are working with the African Bush Camps Foundation to design and develop a lion deterrence system to protect the livestock and households of a community in Mola, Zimbabwe. In order to protect both the communities’ livestock and lions from retaliation killings, we have decided to build a solar powered light device in which mimics human activity and dissuades lions from approaching or attacking. Our hopes are that this prototype will also address current drawbacks and weaknesses of similar existing products.

Team: Ana Hernandez Vega [Public Health and Data Science], Noemi Franco [Public Health and Child Development], Christine Mazzi [Public Health], Alimat Omolola [Public Health]
Industry Partner(s): Birth By Us

The primary objective of the Birth By Us (BBU) Doula Integration project is to improve the existing platform by incorporating a dedicated feature to connect individuals in the BBU birthing community with experienced doulas/doula organizations. The goal of BBU is to empower women of color to shape their own birthing experience, fostering a sense of control and support throughout the pregnancy, birth, and postpartum journey. Additionally, the integration seeks to provide valuable insights to healthcare providers and hospital systems, ultimately working towards reducing preventable maternal deaths and complications.

Team: Ashley Huerta [Public Health], Tiffany Ho [Psychology and Cognitive Science], Divya Jindal [Computer Science and Data Science], Tsing Miller [Social Welfare], Daisy Ohajunwa [Data Science]
Industry Partner(s): Flourish – Xuan Zhao

Our team collaborates with Flourish to explore the obstacles associated with monitoring student well-being and to gain insights into how the app could be improved to better serve the student community. Flourish, a public benefit startup established by Stanford behavioral scientists, aims to enhance mental health resources. As Fung fellows, we are bringing value to the Flourish initiative by offering comprehensive user insights from UC Berkeley students and developing prototypes of potential enhancements to the Flourish app for optimal usability.

Team: Shine Lee [Cognitive Science], Emily Tu [Public Health and Data Science], Sabrina Baur [Cognitive Science]
Industry Partner(s): Goji Play – Tiffany Tao

Game Breaks @ Cal is a pilot study understanding the experience of Blue Goji’s gamified exercise bikes on college students with a focus on assessing the improvement of mental wellbeing. We conducted multiple iterations of mental assessments surveys and interviews in MLK Student Union, our goal being to recommend a design for long-term implementation on campus. At the end of the semester testing period, we report our quantitative and qualitative findings on the impact of the bikes.

Team: Jiyeon Suh [Molecular & Cell Biology], Jessica Lin [EECS and Bioengineering], Pooja Mehta [Bioengineering], Will Choi [Molecular & Cell Biology], Sheila Mercado [Conservation & Resources]
Industry Partner(s): MindCo – Cristian Waitman

Our project integrates virtual reality (VR) technology, telehealth, and physical prototypes to transform pain management for oncology patients. We aim to provide personalized VR simulations and physical tools that offer therapeutic activities and distraction techniques tailored to individual needs. We strive to make a meaningful impact on the lives of oncology patients by offering innovative and empathetic pain relief solutions.

Team: Rianna Escobar [Nutritional Science], Jenny Trinh [Cognitive Science], Daira Rivera [Political Science]
Industry Partner(s): Euki – Ana Ramirez

Our project is to conduct user testing regarding a new abortion care feature on Euki, a period tracking app. We have interviewed POC freshmen to see if the feature is helpful to the younger population as they may not have in-depth knowledge regarding abortion services. Given this situation is highly sensitive and has a time constraint, we are working with Euki to improve the usability of the feature to better the user experience when looking for abortion care services.

Team: Tom Lam [Data Science], Veda Garg [IEOR], Reese Tran [Economics], Ishita Srivastava [Molecular & Cell Biology]
Industry Partner(s): Spect – Michael Leung

Spect is making eye scanning more accessible for patients with diabetes by providing the device at family physician clinics. Our solution detects potential issue for patients during their yearly check up beyond just standard procedures. Our product integrates into the MA workflow with a phone like device contains special camera for scanning with an orthodontist on the other side of the call for guidance.

Team: Darleene Nguyen [Molecular & Cell Biology and Public Health], Sophia Young [Cognitive Science], Akhil Venkatesh [Data Science and Economics], Jasmine Mah [Sociology], Rachel Pham [Psychology]
Industry Partner(s): UCSF Living Kidney Donor Program

Our team is tackling the challenge of encouraging living organ donation at UCSF by making the experience more humanizing and accessible. In the living donor journey, we identified a need to make the 24-hour urine screening process more discrete, convenient, and supportive for those who choose to volunteer their time to be a part of our program. As a result, we created a medical privacy tote to aid donors in their LabCorps testing processes.

Team: Kiaramae Sierte [Molecular & Environmental Biology], Karrar Alrubaye [Molecular & Cell Biology], Andrea Alfaro [Electrical Engineering & Computer Science]
Industry Partner(s): Welfie – Dr. Steven Moyo

In collaboration with our project partner Welfie, we mitigate issues youth face when addressing mental health through a mobile application. Our innovative solution to this expanding problem includes developing a gamification feature, as youth will complete mental health challenges in exchange for points. Through utilizing gamification, we aim to increase user engagement, learning, and encourage healthy outcomes within users.

We cannot guarantee that all guests attending the event have been vaccinated. Please review current UC Berkeley COVID-19 policies and resources. This information may be updated at any time and changes to local and state health regulations may alter event plans.

If you require an accommodation for effective communication (ASL interpreting/CART captioning, alternative media formats, etc.), please reach out to Jené Madison at by Monday, April 29.


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